Google has built and maintained AngularJS. It is an open-source Javascript framework for Web App Development. The motive is to develop it to create client-side applications that are written in Javascript. Let’s have a look at the reasons why AngularJS is the best framework for developing web apps.

With basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript, you can easily adapt AngularJS. There are many other reasons that you should know to consider AngularJS.

Have a wide array of tools

AngularJS has a wide range of tools available. It will make the web app development process burdenless. Some of the available tools for different purposes are:

  • For building: Code Orchestra, Grunt, Gulp
  • For workflow management: Bower, Yeoman
  • Tools For testing: Karma, Jasmine, Protractor

Useful libraries

AngularJS has loads of libraries that are created by Google and enthusiastic web app developers. These libraries will boost up the competency of the AngularJS framework. Some of the useful libraries are AngularUI, CosmoCMS, Angularfire, RestAngular, CodePen, UI Bootstrap, Angular File Upload and a lot more.

It has directives to define custom and reusable elements

Developers take the help of directives to define custom and reusable HTML-like elements and attributes. The commonly used directives in AngularJS development are ng-aria, ng-animate, ng-bind, ng-class, ng-controller, ng-model and ng-view.

Single-page applications

Single-page applications are considered the future of web apps. These are making their way into the web. AngularJS is the first choice of any developer to create single-page applications.

Minimal Coding

AngularJS requires minimal coding to built an application. The development process becomes easier as one layer is independent of other layers. AngularJS is a robust MVC framework that allows developers to do more without exerting themselves.

Two-way data binding

AngularJS has a two-way data binding feature. If changes done in one layer then it will automatically update the other layer. The model also change immediately. Most of the tech companies are considering AngularJS to develop web applications. Companies can also convert their old Java-based applications to AngularJS.

Component-Based and testing friendly

AngularJS has a component-based feature and it is testing friendly as well. It provides higher-quality code in a logical hierarchy, with components acting as sections with their functions.

Author: Admin November 24, 2021 Development